Vapour barrier

Fast application

AluShell is easy to apply on almost any surface, with effortless splices by pressing two sheets together.

Solid vapour barrier

The glass fibre reinforcement scrim provides exceptional strength, allowing it to be walked on without tearing.

High- and immediate tack

The adhesive layer provides high and immediate adhesion, which is beneficial in windy conditions.

Cold adhered system

AluShell is installed without the use of a open flame or hot air, making seam connections watertight and airtight immediately.

High performance and self-adhesive aluminium vapour barrier

Sealeco´s unique solution to vapour barriers is named AluShell. A high-quality self-adhesive aluminium vapour barrier designed for flat roofs and various interior climate conditions. It prevents internal condensation and ensures a comfortable, healthy environment by limiting vapour diffusion. AluShell is easy to apply on almost any surface, with effortless splices by pressing two sheets together. It features a glass fibre reinforcement scrim that provides exceptional strength, allowing it to be walked on without tearing. The adhesive layer offers high and immediate adhesion, beneficial in windy conditions.

AluShell is installed without the use of an open flame or hot air, making seam connections watertight and airtight immediately. Additionally, it offers temporary waterproofing and cost-saving benefits by preventing condensation in the insulation, thus maintaining maximum efficiency. In combination with EPDM roofing membranes, AluShell ensures roofs last more than 50 years.

Alushell Sealeco Foil 300X187

Cost saving function

The application of AluShell means that the roof deck is water and airtight, thereby preventing condensation in the insulation, allowing it to perform to its maximum efficiency. The smallest amount of moisture in insulation leads to a reduction in its values, which may result in higher energy costs.

All this helps to maintaining consistent internal temperature and reducing HVAC load, leading to lower heating and cooling costs. By keeping insulation dry, AluShell retains its full insulating properties, prevents mold and mildew growth. This extends the building’s lifespan by protecting the structural integrity from water damage. 

Need more information?

If you have any questions or need more information about our stormwater storage solutions, please feel free to contact us. Our team is always ready to assist you with any inquiries you may have.

SealEco, Your partner in waterproofing solutions.