
The CladSeal system consists of a product range of EPDM strips and accessories with properties that provide solutions for water, vapour, sound and airtightness both internally and externally. The CladSeal system includes EPDM membranes for weather sealing on the exterior and butyl strips where low vapour permeability is required. The system has been developed for weatherproof seals around window frames, facades or other types of building construction. Sourcing everything from one supplier guarantees system compatibility and availability.

SealEco Ltd CladSeal

SealEco Façade systems CladSeal
CladSeal EPDM strips (including a self-adhesive option), stand out in terms of durability and are not susceptible to atmospheric influences, sunlight, UV radiation, chemical pollution, water and extreme temperature fluctuations. EPDM does not contain softeners which eventually leave or migrate to other substances. As a result, strength and elasticity remain virtually unchanged, without shrinking, melting, hardening or cracking.

Every building is subject to the effects of structural movements and thermal changes during its lifetime. Sustainable protection against wind and water is therefore a necessity in all climatic conditions and at all temperatures. Current construction methods increasingly demand more from the waterproofing materials. In addition to strength, elasticity, weather and chemical resistance, it is also demanded that these products are as durable as the building itself, without compromising on quality and performance. CladSeal is a well-established system that meets all these requirements.

CladSeal can be installed in a variety of ways to various building materials. Always consult in advance whether the substrate is suitable for bonding:

  • Adhesion with Contact Adhesive
    CladSeal EXT (Exterior) and Cladseal INT (Interior) + Contact Adhesive 5000
  • Adhesion with high viscous adhesive paste.
    CladSeal EXT and Cladseal INT + Adhesive Paste 3300
  • Application with self-adhesive Butyl underlay.
    CladSeal SA
  • A push-fit fastening in a designed groove by means of a factory-applied extruded EPDM profile.
    CladSeal P-Fix

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  • SealEco blijft open en zal blijven zorgen voor de distributie van onze producten en dit tot zo lang de maatregelen dit toelaten.
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  • Afhalingen zijn niet meer mogelijk, tenzij op voorhand besteld.
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Uiteraard steeds met oog op de gezondheid van onze medewerkers, hun familie en onze klanten en hun naasten.

SealEco Belgium nv